Friday, April 30, 2010

Zenergy House

ZENERGY House - Studio City CA

ZENERGY House was conceived as a living example and educational tool for the average person to learn about and incorporate greener elements into their home environment. The one-story home was originally built in 1950 and includes 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2,450 sq. ft. of living space, and a pool. The home was selected because of its unique architecture and because the home’s size reflects the national average for square footage. See Virtual Tour

The ZENERGY House will host a number of seminars and tours for architects, builders, designers, government officials, realtors, financial institutions, homeowners and other interested parties through 2010. Supporting ZENERGY House’s educational mission, tours will be performed by students from LACHSA (Los Angeles County High School for the Arts) ‘The Giving Tree Club’ who have attended specific training events at the property.

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