Monday, May 3, 2010

Public Works: Transportation

Region’s 1st hybrid bus unveiled
City takes step in sustainability with fuel cell bus that can travel 250 miles before recharging, officials say. It can carry up to 67 passengers.
Burbank Leader: April 30, 2010 by Christopher Cadelago

DOWNTOWN — Burbank officials on Wednesday unveiled the first plug-in hybrid fuel cell bus in Southern California.

The 35-foot-long bus, which emits water as exhaust and uses a hydrogen fuel cell instead of a gas or diesel engine, will be put into service on city routes beginning next week and can travel 250 miles before recharging, tripling the fuel economy of a diesel bus, officials said.

The California Air Resources Board and state Energy Commission awarded the city $1.37 million to fund the roughly $1.7-million program. Burbank operates a hydrogen station and a stable of converted gas-to-hydrogen Toyota Prius models, City Manager Mike Flad said.

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Sustainability, a repeated goal for the council, has manifested itself in the city’s range of public transit options, with every resident living within a 1 1/2 -mile radius of a public park or recreational open space.

BurbankBus operates in and around the city on four fixed routes during morning and evening rush-hour periods. READ MORE !

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